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Англо-русский политический словарь - confidence


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Перевод с английского языка confidence на русский



1) доверие; вера

2) уверенность

to abuse smb's confidence — злоупотреблять чьим-л. доверием

to betray smb's confidence — обманывать чье-л. доверие

to build greater confidence — укреплять доверие

to call for a vote of confidence — ставить вопрос о доверии (правительству)

to dent confidence — подрывать доверие

to deserve no confidence — не заслуживать доверия

to enjoy smb's confidence — пользоваться чьим-л. доверием

to express confidence in smth — выражать уверенность в чем-л.

to fracture smb's confidence in the government — подрывать чье-л. доверие к правительству

to gain confidence — завоевывать доверие

to have confidence in the future — быть уверенным в будущем

to have smb's confidence — пользоваться чьим-л. доверием

to inspire / to instill confidence — внушать доверие

to justify smb's confidence — оправдывать чье-л. доверие

to keep the confidence of constituents — сохранять доверие избирателей

to lose smb's confidence — утрачивать чье-л. доверие

to recapture confidence — вновь завоевывать доверие

to restore confidence — восстанавливать доверие

to retain the confidence of constituents — сохранять доверие избирателей

to shake / to shatter smb's confidence — поколебать чье-л. доверие

to undermine confidence — подрывать доверие

to voice confidence — выражать уверенность

to win confidence — завоевывать доверие

breach of confidence

crisis of confidence

lack of confidenceloss of confidencerestoration of confidence

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Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  man мошенник, получивший деньги обманным путем CONFIDENCE game получение денег обманным путем (посредством внушения жертве доверия) CONFIDENCE noun  1) доверие to enjoy smb. s confidence - пользоваться чьим-л. доверием to take a person into ones confidence - доверить кому-л. свои тайны to place confidence in a person - доверять кому-л.  2) конфиденциальное сообщение to tell smth. in confidence - сказать что-л. по секрету - in strict confidence  3) уверенность  4) самонадеянность, самоуверенность - confidence game - confidence trick - confidence man Syn: aplomb, poise, savoir faire, self-assurance, self-confidence, self-possession, smugness see trust Ant: anxiety, diffidence, doubt, hesitation, shyness, timidity CONFIDENCE trick получение денег обманным путем (посредством внушения жертве доверия) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. доверие growing confidence —- растущее доверие confidence in the government —- доверие правительству a vote of confidence —- парл. вотум доверия to enjoy smb.'s confidence —- пользоваться чьим-л доверием to gain smb.'s confidence —- завоевать чье-л доверие to place confidence in smb. —- довериться кому-л to take smb. into one's confidence —- доверять кому-л; доверить кому-л тайну to shatter smb.'s confidence —- поколебать чье-л. доверие to be in the confidence of —- пользоваться чьим-л доверием; быть в курсе чьих-л замыслов, секретов he could not give them his confidence —- он не мог оказать им доверия 2. конфиденциальное сообщение, секрет to hear confidences —- выслушивать секреты in strict confidence —- строго конфиденциально 3. уверенность to have confidence in the future —- быть уверенным в будущем to shake confidence —- поколебать уверенность to expect smth. with confidence —- с уверенностью и надеждой ждать чего-л to lack confidence in oneself —- быть неуверенным в себе he answered all the guestions with confidence —- он уверенно отвечал на все вопросы 4. самоуверенность, самонадеянность he dived into the water with confidence —- он уверенно бросился в воду 5. стат. достоверность, степень достоверности confidence interval —- доверительный интервал 6. мошенничество, злоупотребление доверием ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) доверие 2) уверенность CONFIDENCE сущ. 1) общ. доверие to enjoy smb.'s confidence — пользоваться чьим-л. доверием to gain win — завоевать чье-л. доверие 2) общ. уверенность to inspire to instill confidence in smb. — вселить уверенность в кого-л. She's a good student but she lacks confidence in herself. — Она способная, но ей не хватает уверенности в себе в своих силах He had perfect confidence in her ability to succeed. — Он был уверен в ее способности добиться успеха. We had every confidence in the staff. — Мы всегда можем положиться на наш персонал. How can anyone say with confidence that the recession is over? — Кто может с уверенностью сказать, что спад окончился? 3) общ. секретность, конфиденциальность in confidence — по секрету, конфиденциально 4) общ. конфиденциальное сообщение, секретная информация, секрет to exchange share the confidences — обмениваться делиться секретами 5) стат. достоверность, степень достоверности confidence interval — доверительный интервал CONFIDENCE 1. сущ. доверие - confidence factor - confidence indicator - confidence level - enjoy confidence - in confidence Syn: validity, certainty 2. прил. доверительный - confidence coefficient - confidence probability - confidence region ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) доверие 2) уверенность, убеждённость 3) секретность, конфиденциальность 4) конфиденциальное сообщение, секретная информация 5) доверительный degree of confidence — стат. степень уверенности; степень доверия, степень достоверности level of confidence — стат. доверительный ровень вероятности measure of confidence — стат. степень достоверности - statistical confidence - unfounded confidence ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. 1 firm trust (have confidence in his ability). 2 a a feeling of reliance or certainty. b a sense of self-reliance; boldness. 3 a something told confidentially. b the telling of private matters with mutual trust. Phrases and idioms confidence man a man who robs by means of a confidence trick. confidence trick (US game) a swindle in which the victim is persuaded to trust the swindler in some way. in confidence as a secret. in a person's confidence trusted with a person's secrets. take into one's confidence confide in. Etymology: ME f. L confidentia (as confide) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances had perfect ~ in her ability to succeed met the risk with brash ~  b. faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way have ~ in a leader  2. the quality or state of being certain ; certitude they had every ~ of success  3.  a. a relation of trust or intimacy took his friend into his ~  b. reliance on another's discretion their story was told in strictest ~  c. support especially in a legislative body vote of ~  4. a communication made in ~ ; secret accused him of betraying a ~ Synonyms:  ~, assurance, self-possession, aplomb mean a state of mind or a manner marked by easy coolness and freedom from uncertainty, diffidence, or embarrassment. ~ stresses faith in oneself and one's powers without any suggestion of conceit or arrogance the ~ that comes from long experience. assurance carries a stronger implication of certainty and may suggest arrogance or lack of objectivity in assessing one's own powers handled the cross-examination with complete assurance. self-possession implies an ease or coolness under stress that reflects perfect self-control and command of one's powers answered the insolent question with complete self-possession. aplomb implies a manifest self-possession in trying or challenging situations handled the reporters with great aplomb.  II. adjective  Date: 1849 of, relating to, or adept at swindling by false promises a ~ game a ~ man ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you have confidence in someone, you feel that you can trust them. I have every confidence in you... This has contributed to the lack of confidence in the police... His record on ceasefires inspires no confidence. = faith N-UNCOUNT: usu N in n 2. If you have confidence, you feel sure about your abilities, qualities, or ideas. The band is on excellent form and brimming with confidence... I always thought the worst of myself and had no confidence whatsoever. N-UNCOUNT 3. If you can say something with confidence, you feel certain it is correct. I can say with confidence that such rumors were totally groundless. N-UNCOUNT: usu with N 4. If you tell someone something in confidence, you tell them a secret. We told you all these things in confidence... Even telling Lois seemed a betrayal of confidence. N-UNCOUNT: usu in N • If you take someone into your confidence, you tell them a secret. If your daughter takes you into her confidence, don’t rush off to tell your husband. PHRASE: V inflects 5. see also vote of no confidence ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »FEELING SB/STH IS GOOD« the feeling that you can trust someone or something to be good, work well, or produce good results + in  (Our first priority is to maintain the customer's confidence in our product.) have confidence in  (We have every confidence in your abilities. | win/gain/lose sb's confidence (in))  (Opinion polls show that voters have lost confidence in the administration. | inspire/restore/undermine confidence (in) (=make people feel more or less confident about something or someone))  (These miscarriages of justice have undermined confidence in our legal system. | show confidence (in))  (Middle-aged people generally do not show as much confidence in what the future holds as do the young.) 2 »BELIEF IN YOURSELF« the belief that you have the ability to do things well or deal with situations successfully  (Joyce always had an abundance of confidence. She seemed to fear no one. | lack confidence/be lacking in confidence)  (She's a good student but she lacks confidence in herself. | lack of confidence)  (A lack of confidence seems to be her main problem. | give sb confidence)  (Living on her own in a foreign country for a year gave her a lot of confidence. | give sb the confidence to do sth)  (Good training will give a beginner the confidence to enjoy skiing. | restore/lose confidence)  (Going back to work restored my confidence and made me feel more capable. | boost/shake sb's confidence (=make someone feel more or less confident))  (Julie's confidence was badly shaken by her car accident.) 3 »FEELING STH IS TRUE« the feeling that something is definite or true  (How can anyone say with confidence that the recession is over? | have confidence that)  (At that time he had little confidence that God existed.) 4 »FEELING OF TRUST« a feeling of trust in someone, so that you can tell them something and be sure they will not tell other people  (have/gain/get sb's confidence (=make someone feel they can trust you))  (It took me a long time to gain his confidence, but he trusts me now. | in (strict)...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., from L. confidentia, from confidentem, prp. of confidere, from com- intens. prefix + fidere "to trust." For sense of "swindle" see con (3). Confidant, with spelling to reflect Fr. pronunciation, first attested 1714. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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